Help customers and contractors find you and manage your business information on Yoys Global B2B Network for free. We will guide you for every step in order to improve your business's online presence localy and in 55 countries.
- Googleマイビジネスで認証済みの場合は、すぐに認証されます。
- ビジネスの詳細があらかじめ入力されているため、時間を節約できます。詳細が正しくない場合は、インポート後に編集できます。
Yoys のブログ
Get started with Yoys B2B Network
Yoys is a global B2B Network for business owners where they showcase their companies, products and offers to the world to attract more contractors and customers
How do I manage products for my Business listing?
Get more customer contacts. With products, you increase your online reach and get found more frequently.
What's new on Yoys
Multinational & multilingual B2B Yoys marketplace
We break localization & communication barriers. Yoys is available in over 50 countries worldwide
Claim & Get Started Today!
Present your business to future Clients
1- Claim
Your businss is probably already listed on Yoys. Best way to start managing your business listing is by claiming it so you can update.
2- プロモーション
Promote your business to target customers who need your services or products.
3- Engage & Convert
Turn your visitors into paying customers with exciting offers and services on your page.